
Marist Youth Sacramental Program

Registrations are to be in by Ash Wednesday, 14 February 2024
Marist College Canberra is committed to providing students with ways to engage with the Church. In many parish situations, it is difficult to provide preparation for receiving the Sacraments to those outside the 'normal' ages. However, the Sacraments are places where all are invited to encounter Christ and receive "life and life to the fullest" (John 10:10). Jesus invites all to come to Him and transform their lives, and this is lived out in the Catholic Church through the Sacraments.

For those who have, for whatever reason, not made their Sacraments (Baptism, Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or Confirmation), Marist works with our parishes around the Archdiocese to provide appropriate formation so that students who intend to engage in the Sacramental life can do so, whether this is their first ceremonial engagement with faith or they were unable to receive Sacraments due to specific situation (moving out of the country at the time, etc.).

Students will commit to a weekly session with Ms Callaughan or Mr Lansdown-Weir in order to prepare properly to receive the Sacraments.
The Mission Team will liaise with your local parish to make sure you are welcomed.

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